The Maternal Data Center (MDC) is an online web tool that generates near-real-time data and performance metrics on maternity care services for hospital participants. Hospitals submit patient discharge data – data that they already collect – to the MDC, which instantaneously links the discharge data to birth certificate data. The result is a low-burden tool that gives clinicians the perinatal performance metrics and benchmarking data they need to drive quality improvement.
More than 200 hospitals use the MDC to:
- Generate nationally endorsed perinatal quality metrics
- Generate provider-level quality metrics
- Compare hospital performance to statewide, regional, and system benchmarks
- Perform drill-down analysis to identify a hospital’s unique QI opportunities
- Identify data quality issues that impact performance measure results, including issues with ICD-10 coding
- Facilitate performance reporting requirements to the Leapfrog Group, CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting Program, and the Joint Commission Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) Program
- Support participation in quality improvement collaboratives
The Maternal Data Center is available to hospitals with Labor and Delivery units in California, Washington, Oregon, and more!