Dr. Jeffrey Gould holds leadership roles for both CMQCC and the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative (CPQCC). He serves as Senior Advisor of CPQCC and CMQCC. He is also the Robert L. Hess Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University.
Dr. Gould provides strategic direction and ensures that both CMQCC and CPQCC activities remain consistent with their missions, values, and commitments to improving care for California's most vulnerable birthing people and infants.
Dr Gould is a neonatologist and perinatal epidemiologist whose research addresses both the identification of factors that put an individual or sub-population at risk for poor perinatal outcome, and the identification of the extent to which health practice and health system factors are effective in reducing risk, improving the quality of care, and optimizing outcome. Throughout Dr Gould’s career, he has been concerned with disparities in health and inequality in health care delivery. In 1997 under a joint appointment in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford he co-founded the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative (CPQCC), the nation’s first state wide quality improvement consortium that also serves as a platform for faculty, trainee and inter-university collaborative research in perinatal epidemiology, quality of care analysis, and risk reduction/quality improvement program development. CPQCC includes 134 California NICUs and under Dr Gould’s leadership has developed quality improvement toolkits, conducted successful multi-institutional quality improvement initiatives and has been nationally and internationally recognized as a model for regionalized perinatal quality improvement. To address the broader needs of all women and pregnant people, he co-founded CMQCC in 2006 as a sibling organization to assess and improve the quality, outcomes and disparities in obstetric care in California.
In addition to his innovative accomplishments in the area of statewide collaboration to improve the quality of perinatal care and health outcomes, Dr Gould has a strong commitment to research that has resulted in over 160 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of perinatal epidemiology and quality improvement. He has received the National Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Award for Outstanding Leadership, The AAP Neonatal Education Award, and the SPR’s Douglas K Richardson Award for Perinatal and Pediatric Health Care Research, and in 2022 the Legend in Neonatology Award.