Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum

The Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Toolkit was developed by the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Task Force as a resource for obstetrics, primary care and emergency medicine providers who interact with women during prenatal care or the postpartum period. The toolkit includes an overview of clinical assessment and comprehensive management strategies for cardiovascular disease based on risk factors and presenting symptoms.

Key elements include:

  • An algorithm for symptomatic or high-risk pregnant or postpartum women to guide stratification and initial work up
  • Clinician resources on contraception counseling, cardiovascular medications and breastfeeding
  • Key points about racial and ethnic disparities among cardiovascular diagnoses
  • Information and infographics geared directly for women diagnosed with, or at risk of, cardiovascular disease  
  • Future risk of cardiovascular disease and long-term health issues
  • Educational handouts for women on contraceptive options and planning a pregnancy with known cardiovascular disease

The toolkit is available to download after logging into CMQCC's website. If you do not already have a CMQCC Account, you will need to complete a brief survey to initialize an account.


Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Toolkit (2017)

Teaching Slide Set for Professionals

Webinar link- Introducing the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy Toolkit


Individual sections of the toolkit are also available to download by clicking on the links below:

Cardiovascular Disease Assessment in Pregnant and Postpartum Women

B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)

Resources When Caring for Women With Adult Congenital Heart Disease or Other Forms of Cardiovascular Disease

Maternal Risks for Underlying Cardiovascular Disease: Key Consensus Tables 

Guide to Cardiovascular Disease Medications for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Guide to Contraception Information for Women with Cardiovascular Disease


Funding Acknowledgement

This toolkit is an update to the Improving Health Care Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage, V2.0 Toolkit, funded by the California Department of Public Health in 2015; supported by Title V funds.

CVD Lifetime Risks Infographics

CVD Risks Infographic, English pdf

CVD Risks Infographic, Spanish pdf


CVD Signs & Symptoms Infographics

CVD Signs and Symptoms Infographic, English pdf

CVD Signs and Symptoms Infographic, Spanish pdf