
  • Kimberly Gregory, MD, MPH, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Committee Members

Kimberly Gregory, MD, MPHCHAIR Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Priya Batra, MD, MS (OB/GYN)Chief Physician for the Health Promotion Bureau, Los Angeles County Department of Health General Obstetrician-Gynecologist (Volunteer), Los Angeles County Department of Health Services - Martin Luther King, Jr., Medical Center, Compton Affiliated Adjunct Staff Scientist - RAND Corporation, Santa Monica
Natalie Ann Bello, MD, MPH, FACC (Cardiology, Internal Medicine)Associate Professor, Cardiology and Director of Hypertension Research Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Stephanie Bryant, RN, PHN, MSN (Public Health)Riverside University Health System
Lenorre Clarke, MD, MPP (OB-Gyn)Riverside University Health System
Shareece Davis-Nelson, MD (MFM)The MOYE Clinics St. Joseph Health (AZ)
Brandi Sims Desjolais, EdD, MHA (Public Health)Co-founder and director of the Black Maternal Health Center of Excellence at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Kimberly Durdin, CPM, LM, IBCLC (Midwifery, LactationCo-founder, KindredSpaceLA Executive Director, Birthing People Foundation, Inc. Owner, Kimberly Durdin IBCLC
Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD (Emergency Medicine)Medical Director, Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance
Calvin Johnson, MD (Anesthesia)Professor Anesthesiology Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Sharilyn L. Kelly, DNP, RN, NE-BC, C-ONQS, RNC-OB (Perinatal Nursing)Executive Director, Perinatal Services and Pediatric/Perinatal Palliative Care, Miller Children's and Women's Hospital, Long Beach
Mashariki Kudumu, MPH (Public Health)Community Advocate
Nathana Lurvey, MD (OB-Gyn)Southbay Family Heallth Care, Inglewood, CA, Obstetrician/gynecologist Eisner Pediatric and Family Clinic, Los Angeles
Vibha Mahendra, MD (Anes/CVD)Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Southern California
Nicole Major, LCSW, LISW (Social Work)University Hospitals - Macdonald Women's Hospital and Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital (OH)
Arturo E. Mendoza, MD (Pathology)Director of Pathology, Sharp Mary Birch
Mark Meyer, MD (Emergency Medicine, Simulation)Kaiser San Diego
Sayida Peprah-Wilson, PsyD (Psychology, Addiction, Doula Services)Founder/Executive Director, Diversity Uplifts, Inc.
Brenda Ross-Shelton, MD (MFM)University of Callifornia Riverside
Erin Saleeby, MD, MPH (OB-Gyn)Director, Women's Health Programs and Innovation Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Health Sciences Faculty in Obstetrics & Gynecology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Keya Stallings-Saint, MSN, RNC-OB (Nursing)Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Ontario DDirector of Maternal Child Health
Rebecca Trotzky-Sirr, MD (Family Medicine/Addiction)Director of Addiction and Community Medicine at LA General Medical Center.  Regional Coordinator and Founding Member of the California Bridge Program
Lucy R. VanOtterloo, PhD, RNC, CNS (Nursing)California State University Long Beach Community Perinatal Network in Orange County
Sabreen White, MBA (Public Health; Patient Advocacy)HeRCARe (High-Risk Care Access and Resources) Program Director, Women's Health Center, Riverside University Health System Medical Center