Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of pregnancy-related death in California.
Task Force Writing Group
This Task Force will create a Toolkit intended as a resource for raising awareness of this issue as well as the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease in pregnant and postpartum women. The primary audience for this Toolkit are generalists who provide maternity care to women (OB/GYNs, Labor & Delivery and Postpartum Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, Family Medicine Physicians), with special emphasis on what to look for in prenatal and postpartum clinic encounters in addition to intrapartum care. The Toolkit will also serve as a resource for emergency and critical care physicians as well as pediatric cardiology specialists.
Task Force Reviewer Group
The Reviewer Group members will be engaged in substantive review of the outline to get input on topics for inclusion, as well as review the near-final draft of the Toolkit. These individuals will be acknowledged for their contribution but will not regularly attend writing group meetings (in person /conference calls) nor take on major writing assignments.
- Afshan Hameed, MD, Medical Director OB, Medical Director Quality and Safety, UC Irvine School of Medicine
- Christine Morton, PhD, Research Sociologist/Program Manager, CMQCC
The fourth CMQCC quality improvement task force charged with developing tools to assist primary maternity providers and other health care providers who see pregnant and postpartum women to identify women at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Committee Members
Deirdre Anglin MD, MPH |
LA County/USC Medical Center |
Julie Arafeh MSN, RN |
Center for Advanced Pediatric and Perinatal Education Obstetric Simulation Specialist |
Alisa Becket | |
Leona Dang-Kilduff RN, MS, CDE |
RPPC Mid-Coastal Region |
Elyse Foster MD |
Afshan Hameed MD |
UC Irvine School of Medicine Medical Director OB, Medical Director Quality and Safety |
Abha Khandelwal MD |
Stanford Medicine |
Elizabeth Lawton MHS |
California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program Health Researcher |
Elliott Main MD |
CMQCC Medical Director and Executive Committee Chair |
Christine Morton PhD |
CMQCC Research Sociologist | Program Manager |
Barbara Murphy MS, RN |
Stanford Medicine Director of Perinatal Programs |
Leona Shields PHN, RN, NP, MFT |
California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program Nurse Consultant III Supervisor Program and Policy Section |
Monica Sood MD |
Walnut Creek Kaiser Permanente MFM |
Maryam Tarsa MD, MAS |
UC San Diego Associate Clinical Professor |
Lisa Townsend |
Sister to Sister Program Director |
Janet Trial RN, CNM, EdD |
Miller Children's Long Beach Hospital |
Julie Vasher DNP, RNC-OB, CNS-BC, C-EFM |