2017 Publications

Main EK, Cape V, Abreo A, Vasher J, Woods A, Carpenter A, Gould, JB. “Reduction of severe maternal morbidity from hemorrhage using a state perinatal quality collaborative.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;216(3):298.e1-298.e11.

Main EK. “Leading Change on Labor and Delivery: Reducing Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (NTSV) Cesarean Rates(editorial).” Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2017; 43:51-52.


2016 Publications

Lyndon A, Cape V. “Maternal Hemorrhage Quality Improvement Collaborative Lessons.” The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2016;41(6):363-371.

MacDorman MF, Declercq E, Cabral H, and Morton CH. “Recent Increases in the U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate: Disentangling Trends from Measurement Issues.” Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; 128(3): 447-455.

Morgan DM, Main EK, Gee RE. “The Goldilocks Quandary of Health Care Resources: Too Little, Too Much, or Just Right?” Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; 127(6):1039-44.

Snowden JM, Mission JF, Marshall N, Quigley B, Main EK, Gilbert WM, Chung JH, Caughey AB. “The Impact of Maternal Obesity and Race/Ethnicity on Perinatal Outcomes: Independent and Joint Effects.” Obesity. 2016 Jul;24(7):1590-8. 

Main EK, Abreo A, McNulty J, Gilbert W, McNally C, Poeltler D, Lanner-Cusin K, Fenton D, Gipps T, Melsop K, Greene N, Gould JB, Kilpatrick S. “Measuring Severe Maternal Morbidity: Validation of Potential Measures.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; 214(5):643.e1-643.e10.

Kilpatrick SJ, Abreo A, Gould JB, Greene N, Main EK. “Confirmed Severe Maternal Morbidity Is Associated With High Rate of Preterm Delivery.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016 Aug;215(2):233.e1-7.

Kilpatrick SJ, Abreo A, Greene N, Melsop K, Peterson N, Shields LE, Main EK. “Severe Maternal Morbidity in a Large Cohort of Women With Acute Severe Intrapartum Hypertension.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016 Jul;215(1):91.e1-7.

Roth LM, Henley M, Seacrist M, Morton CH. “North American Nurses’ and Doulas’ Views of Each Other.” Journal of Gynecological, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. 2016 Nov - Dec;45(6):790-800.

Lee VR, Darney BG, Snowden JM, Main EK, Gilbert W, Chung J, Caughey AB. “Term Elective Induction of Labour and Perinatal Outcomes in Obese Women: Retrospective Cohort Study.” BJOG : An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2016; 123(2):271-8.

Dekker RL, Morton CH, Singleton P, Lyndon A. “Women’s Experiences Being Diagnosed With Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: a Qualitative Study.” Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 2016 Jul;61(4):467-73.