CMQCC has developed four quality measures that are used by government and quality review agencies such as the Joint Commission and the Leapfrog Group to help measure maternity care performance. In its 2020 review process, the National Quality Forum endorsed 15 Perinatal and Women's Health measures, of which CMQCC was the developer of three:

•    NQF# 0716 – Unexpected Complications in Term Newborns (currently used by The Joint Commission as PC-06)
•    NQF# 0471 – NTSV Cesarean Birth (now managed by The Joint Commission as PC-02)
•    NQF# 0480 – Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding, also in electronic measure as 0480e (now managed by The Joint Commission as PC-05)

CMQCC also developed the following measure, which was previously endorsed by NQF but was not submitted for re-approval as it is not currently being used for hospital-level performance:

•    NQF# 0477 – <1500g Infant Not Delivered at Appropriate Level