Through a five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CMQCC is expanding its efforts to reduce cesareans in all low-risk pregnant patients by conducting a statewide collaborative-like learning experience. The Learning Initiative for Supporting Vaginal Birth with an Equity Lens, launched in Spring 2023, focuses on reducing disparity gaps in low-risk cesareans with a goal of all patient groups reaching or exceeding the Healthy People 2030 target rate.
CMQCC will conduct the Learning Initiative in multiple cohorts for 18 months, having new rounds every nine months with two cohorts in each round. Curriculum for the Learning Initiative will follow the CMQCC Hospital Action Guide for Respectful and Equity-Centered Obstetric Care (available to all CMQCC hospital members). To support California hospitals not yet participating in the Learning Initiative, CMQCC will host free quarterly webinars teaching key elements of the curriculum and offering additional technical assistance during monthly virtual office hours. The project goals include:
- Establish a Health Equity Stakeholder Advisory Council to increase community and patient awareness of existing disparities in cesarean delivery rates and the unique drivers contributing to cesarean delivery.
- Increase the number of hospitals with patient/community engagement practices to inform the adoption of equitable care practices.
- Identify potential opportunities for hospital-clinical-community linkages to improve the continuum of care for the patients served by the hospital in that community and provide feedback on patient-facing tools developed by the hospital.
Health Equity Advisory Council Objectives
- Inform the project direction from a patient and community perspective by applying personal, lived experiences to family-centered work.
- Partner with the project team to shape and assist hospitals in identifying how to engage patients and the community.
- Review CMQCC toolkits and other educational materials to provide insight into how supportive, equitable, and respectful care is integrated into quality improvement work.
- Provide regular feedback and input on tools designed to improve respectful care and reduce disparities (e.g., Culture of Equity, Hospital Action Guide).
- Identify new opportunities to engage patients in various elements of the project.
- Co-develop a learning evaluation to assess the impact of tools designed to improve respectful care and reduce disparities (e.g., Culture of Equity, Hospital Action Guide).
- Sensemaking of preliminary and final research findings.
What To Expect
Scope of Work:
- Attend monthly Council meetings (which will include orientation meetings).
- Attend quarterly team meetings with clinic advisors to identify NTSV behavior change best practices.
- Up to 3 hours per month of work outside of monthly meetings that include, but is not limited to, reviewing materials, meeting one-on-one with project leadership, and engaging in outreach activities.
- Serve as guest faculty on community engagement webinar(s).
- Facilitate conversations and build relationships between hospitals, clinics, stakeholders (e.g., patients, providers, birth partners, social workers, MCAH directors, patient navigators, etc.), and community partners with the goal of developing a sustainable patient and stakeholder support network.
- Build an understanding of hospital and ambulatory care in different geographical regions where NTSV rates are high.
- Advise on related projects.
The Community Advisory Board shall be made up of 10-12 members. Six consultants with lived experience with cesarean birth and four to six consultants with community-based experience will be selected to serve on the advisory council.
Overall Project Timeline:
September 2023 – September 2027
Council members are asked to commit to serving for two years with an opportunity for reappointment.
*Qualifications of the Health Equity Advisory Council:
- Lived experience with cesarean birth.
- Demonstrated experience with establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with community stakeholders that represent diverse cultures, religions, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and identities.
- Commitment to understanding and addressing racial and social inequalities in maternal care.
- Experience with birthing (e.g., your own birth experience or having a birthing partner) or working with birthing people (e.g., as a birth worker) with a preference for experiences with cesarean deliveries.
- NICU experience.
*You may have one of the qualifications listed. It is not expected that you meet several or all of the qualifications to be eligible to serve on this Council.
Honorarium: Participants will receive $1,665 per year.
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