Approximately 55 percent of infant deaths are among Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW infants), which is defined as weighing less than 1500g. The best outcomes for VLBW infants occur when they are delivered in the appropriate level perinatal unit, a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This measure looks at the number per 1,000 livebirths of <1500g infants delivered at hospitals not equipped to care for infants of that size. While this can be calculated at the hospital level, it is best done at the state or regional level.

The measure was first endorsed by the National Quality Forum in 2008, and California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative was the developer and steward. We did not submit this measure for re-endorsement in 2016 as we are not using it at this time.  

1500g Infant Measure Specifications

Brief Description of the Measure

The number (per 1,000 live births) of <1500g infants delivered at hospitals or regions not appropriate for that size infant.

Denominator Statement

All live births over 24 weeks gestation at the given birth hospital or regions. NICU Level III status is defined by the State Department of Health or similar body typically using American Academy of Pediatrics Criteria.

Numerator Statement

Within the hospital or region, all live births over 24 weeks gestation and under 1500g born at birth hospital without NICU level III status.

For more information, download the NQF #0477 Measure Submission and Evaluation Worksheet.