The Maternal Data Center (MDC) is an online web tool that generates near-real-time data and performance metrics on maternity care services for hospital participants. Hospitals submit patient discharge data – data that they already collect – to the MDC, which instantaneously links the discharge data to birth certificate data. The result is a low-burden tool that gives clinicians the perinatal performance metrics and benchmarking data they need to drive quality improvement.

More than 200 hospitals use the MDC to:

  • Generate nationally endorsed perinatal quality metrics
  • Generate provider-level quality metrics 
  • Compare hospital performance to statewide, regional, and system benchmarks
  • Perform drill-down analysis to identify a hospital’s unique QI opportunities 
  • Identify data quality issues that impact performance measure results, including issues with ICD-10 coding
  • Facilitate performance reporting requirements to the Leapfrog Group, CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting Program, and the Joint Commission Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) Program
  • Support participation in quality improvement collaboratives

The Maternal Data Center is available to hospitals with Labor and Delivery units in California, WashingtonOregon, and more!


Who's Already Participating

More than 200 hospitals are demonstrating their commitment to monitoring and improving the quality of perinatal care through MDC participation. Download our California participant list here

Please see Washington and Oregon's webpages for their participant information. 

Contact Us

Schedule a time for your hospital to learn more by contacting MDC Project Staff at