2019 Webinars
The value of data to advance Equity-Based QI: Introducing the NEW MDC Equity Dashboard webinar and slideset
Presented by Terri Deeds, RN, MSN, NE-BC and Anne Castles, MA, MPH; 9/27/19
Improving Outcomes for Mothers & Newborns Affected by Opioids webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD, Helen DuPlessis, MD, MPH, Henry Lee, MD; 7/23/19
Improving Birth Care, Experiences and Outcomes for, by, and with Black Mothers – a Quality Improvement Approach webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD; 6/11/19
*MEMBERS ONLY* "Understanding the Concerning Rise in Maternal and Congenital Syphilis in California slideset
Presented by Eric Tang MD, MPH, Rosalyn Plotzker, MD, MPH; 5/28/19
*MEMBERS ONLY* Introducing HUDLS, CMQCC’s New Labor Support Resource webinar and slideset
Presented by Christa Sakowski MSN, RN, C-EFM, CLE; 1/30/19
**HUDLS is only available for CMQCC member hospitals at this time.
2018 Webinars
Unexpected Newborn Complications: Understanding the New Measure webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD; 12/18/18
Racial Disparities in Pregnancy-Related Death in California - Spotlight on Cardiovascular Disease webinar and slideset
Presented by Connie Mitchell, MD, MPH; Paula Krakowiak, PhD; Lucy Van Otterloo, PhD, RNC, CNS; Afshan B. Hameed, MD, FACOG, FACC; 11/7/18
Physician Engagement: Ideas to Engage Physician Champions in Quality Improvement Projects webinar and slideset
Moderated by Elliott Main, MD and Christa Sakowski MSN, RN, C-EFM, CLE; 10/17/18
Induction of Labor Beyond the ARRIVE Trial webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD, and David Lagrew, MD; 4/26/18
Introducing the Maternal Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy Toolkit webinar and slideset
Presented by Afshan Hameed, MD, Doug Montgomery, MD, and Nancy Peterson, MSN, PNNP, RNC, IBCLC; 4/12/18
Preventing Change Fatigue: Exploring Sustainability, Scale and Spread webinar and slideset
Presented by Diana Jolles, PhD, CNM, FACNM; 3/28/18
Introducing the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy Toolkit webinar and slideset
Presented by Afshan Hameed, MD; 1/19/18
2017 Webinars
Latent Labor Management webinar and slideset
Presented by Beth Stephens-Hennessy, RNC, CNS; 11/29/17
UCSD Volunteer Doula Program: A Model for Integration in a Hospital Setting webinar.
Presented by Ann Fulsher, CD(DONA), CLE; 8/11/17
Induction of Labor Webinar: Risk, Benefits, and Techniques for Increasing Success webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD, and David Lagrew, MD; 6/14/17
Intermittent Fetal Monitoring: A Strategy for Reducing Primary Cesareans webinar and slideset
Presented by Holly Smith, MPH, MSN, CNM; 2/7/2017
Doulas: Including practice into hospital care webinar
Presented by Michelle Nizza, CD(DONA) and Ana Paula Markel, CD/BDT(DONA); 1/24/2017
2016 Webinars
Statewide Initiative to Support Vaginal Birth and Reduce Primary Cesareans webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD, and Anne Castles, MA, MPH; 10/31/2016
Coping with Labor Algorithm: An Innovative Approach to Labor Pain webinar and slideset
Presented by Leissa Roberts, MD; 10/18/2016
Monitoring Unexpected Newborn Complications webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD; 9/20/2016
The Evolving Buzz on ZIKA and Pregnancy: An Update for Clinicians webinar and slideset
Presented by Neil S. Silverman, MD and A. Desiree LaBeaud, MD, MS; 8/19/2016
Introduction to the Toolkit to Support Vaginal Birth and Reduce Primary Cesareans webinar and slideset
Presented by Holly Smith, MPH, MSN, CNM; 8/17/2016
Documentation and Coding Advice for Labor, Induction, and Transfusions webinar and slideset
Presented by Elliott Main, MD; 8/3/2016
Related documents: ICD-10-PCS Coding Advice for Labor Inductions, Oh Baby! OB Coding for ICD-10-PCS, AIM Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) Data Alert for Blood Transfusions
Improving Perinatal Quality Using Data-Driven Tools webinar
Presented by Elliott Main, MD; Anne Castles, MA, MPH; Nancy Peterson, MSN, PNNP; and Kim Werkmeister, RN; 2/11/2016
2015 Webinars
What can we do to improve outcomes in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy? webinar
Presented by Larry Shields, MD, and Eleni Tsigas; 9/25/2015
Improving Health Care Response to Preeclampsia webinar
Presented by Maurice Druzin, MD, and Nancy Peterson, MSN, PNNP; 8/24/2015
OB Hemorrhage Toolkit V2.0 Orientation webinar
Presented by David Lagrew, MD, and Audrey Lyndon, RN, PhD, FAAN; 4/30/2015
CPMS Blood Bank webinar and slideset
Presented by Holli M. Mason, MD; 5/12/2015
CPMS Quantified Blood Loss Pearls webinar
Presented by Jennifer McNulty, MD; 4/16/2015