We would like to thank the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for its support and partnership since the inception of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC). CDPH - through the Maternal Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) division - has been a lead partner in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity throughout the state. The success of the CMQCC initiatives and programs are a direct result of this partnership.

In July 2021, when evaluating optimal methods to allocate resources and responsibilites, the mutual decision was made to revise the process for the development and dissemination of clinical maternal quality improvement toolkits. For the time being, CDPH will no longer be involved in the development or review process and approval of clinical toolkits produced by CMQCC. This shift in the toolkit development process will be beneficial for both organizations. CMQCC will continue to focus on clinical guidance for quality and safety in maternity care through toolkits and quality improvement initiatives geared towards healthcare clinicians. CDPH will continue to improve the health and well-being of women, infants, children and adolescents throughout the state of California. CDPH will continue to lead the California Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Reviews (CA-PAMR) in partnership with CMQCC and Public Health International.

CMQCC is proud of the impact that our collaboration with CDPH has made on reducing maternal mortality in California, and look forward to future opportunities to utilize the strengths and foci of each organization.