Integrate Midwifery Care and Doula Support into the Hospital setting and Support Respectful Transfer from Community Birth Settings

Continuing to reduce the rate of low-risk, first-time birth cesareans remains a top focus for CMQCC. Thanks to generous funding from the Yellow Chair Foundation, CMQCC expanded the original 2016 toolkit to build upon the progress and continue to emphasize the effort, in partnership with the community.

The new section labeled Part V: The Next Step: Integrating Midwives, Doulas, and Community-Based Care includes additional evidence-based tools and resources to effectively integrate midwifery care and doula support into the hospital setting and support those patients who require transfer to the hospital from a community birth setting.

“We know there is no singular intervention that will reduce cesarean rates or eliminate birth disparities so we must utilize all the tools in the toolbox,” said Holly Smith, MPH, CNM, FACNM, Co-Lead for the Toolkit to Support Vaginal Birth, during the webinar to unveil the updated toolkit.

“We know that integrating midwives, doulas, and community birth is not a silver bullet and it won’t solve all problems, but they are key components,” continued Smith.

Since it was first published, the toolkit has recognized birth equity and team-based care to improve outcomes for all birthing people. The supplemental section was developed with a task force of hospital and community-based midwives and doulas, along with a patient advocate, nurses, and physicians to further emphasize this strategy.

The addended toolkit can be downloaded for free on the CMQCC Toolkits webpage after logging on to the CMQCC website.  Complementary materials are also available including the Toolkit Implementation Guide, the original webinar slide set for professional education, the new addended webinar slide set, and more. 

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