NEW RELEASE: Expanded features, improved user experience and new content added to HUDLS

We are excited to announce the release of our new platform for CMQCC's Hands-On Understanding and Demonstration of Labor Support - HUDLS! 

The following new features are available for all CMQCC members as part of the upgrade:

  • 5.0 Contact Hours with an easy access PDF transcript that is accepted by the California Board of Registered Nurses
  • Gradebook for hospital trainers to view staff progress and scores
  • Improved overall user experience and navigation throughout the course

Thanks to generous funding from the Yellow Chair Foundation, we have also developed four additional lessons, including: 

  • Workforce Considerations for Racial Inequities
  • Midwifery Integration and Team-Based Care
  • Benefits of Doulas and Optimizing Patient Care
  • Data Review of NTSV Cesarean Deliveries for Quality Improvement

HUDLS is designed to be completed utilizing both didactic online training modules - available for all staff at our members hospitals - and trainer-led bedside lessons to reinforce learnings.

To access trainer materials and the gradebook, a staff member needs to be designated as the "Master Instructor" within the Hospital Staff section of CMQCC Accounts. The Hospital Staff lists are available to those with MDC Administrator access. If you do not have MDC Administrator access and cannot view the Hospital Staff list, please contact your manager to identify who at your hospital can approve your “Master Instructor” request.  You can also contact the HUDLS team through the "Tech Support" button for further support at any time. 

Watch our instructional video to learn more about the new HUDLS platform, and log on today in your CMQCC Account!