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Research Sociologist and Program Manager
Christine H. Morton PhD, joined CMQCC in 2008, where she conducts research on maternal mortality and morbidity and has co-led expert task forces on translating the findings into California’s maternal quality toolkits. She manages the California Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review (CA-PAMR) with colleagues from California Department of Public Health and Public Health Institute, Inc. She is co-investigator with PI Jochen Profit, MD, MPH, on NIH-funded research projects focused on measuring and identifying drivers for racial/ethnic disparities among very low birth weight babies cared for in California neonatal intensive care units. Dr. Morton is co-chair of the National Partnership Maternal Safety workgroup on Patient, Family and Staff Support after a Severe Maternal Event (link is external). She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing. Dr. Morton received her PhD in Sociology from UCLA.