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Primary Title: 
Quality Improvement Clinical Lead

Sarah Vaillancourt DNP, WHNP-BC, RN, joined CMQCC as Quality Improvement (QI) Clinical Lead in May 2024. In this role, she focuses on outpatient perinatal QI improvements, and provides clinical support to the Low-dose Aspirin to Prevent Preeclampsia and Preterm Birth Initiative. Prior to working at CMQCC, she worked as a women’s health nurse practitioner providing outpatient sexual, reproductive, and perinatal health in a Federally Qualified Health Center in the California Central Valley. Further, she acted as clinical lead for organizational maternal care QI projects and provided clinical policy updates and clinical guide content for the organization. Through her experience and education, she has a systems-focused approach to trauma-informed care, care delivery to vulnerable populations, and integration of perinatal care into the outpatient care continuum. She additionally has expertise in clinical communication as a motivational interviewing facilitator, providing learning sessions and training opportunities multiple times per year. Sarah completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice with a specialty in Public Health Nursing from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her doctoral work included Title X service implementation and evaluation, outpatient perinatal quality improvement, and implementation of social health screening and adverse childhood experiences screening in reproductive-age women. She also has her Master of Science in Nursing with a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Specialty from Vanderbilt University, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology for University of Texas, Austin.