There are 5 ways to reduce your risk of a C-section:
- Choose a hospital with lower C-section rates
- Let labor start on its own
- Ask to only check your baby’s heartbeat at certain times. This is instead of being connected to a monitor during your entire labor.
- Stay home until you are in real labor
- Have someone with you the whole time you are in labor
Want to learn more? OB/GYNs recommend these ways to have a safe, natural labor and delivery if your pregnancy is low risk. And, Childbirth Connection and the National Partnership for Women and Families recommend this for a pathway to a healthy birth.
Already know what you want your labor to be like? If so, fill out your birth plan – and, share it with your OB/GYN or nurse midwife. Make sure to talk to your OB/GYN or nurse midwife about your birth plan at your pre-natal appointments instead of at the very last minute.
Do you need to schedule a C-section for medical reasons? These are some tips to help you get ready for it and recover from it.